16 April 2008

3 Months Old

Kaitlyn turned three months old about a week ago.

It's a really really big milestone for most babies. This is the point at which babies develop many many great abilities, depending on whose calender or schedule you're looking at.

If you're looking at the Government's schedule, this is the point at which baby is expected to start to feed herself, go to the toilet on her own, and basically start to become an independent adult.

Unfortunately, Kaitlyn's development doesn't even come close to these expectations, so I guess she's not destined for the Administrative Service. Mummy has no choice but to return to work this week, leaving Kaitlyn in the very capable hands of her parents.

Here are some recent pics...

Grandma always said that we should learn to laugh at ourselves!

Diaper time!

Enjoying bath time as usual...

Wow! Keeping these parents of mine entertained is really tiring work!
Enjoying every moment with Mummy...

Sigh... I'm sure gonna miss Mummy when she goes back to work tomorrow...