It seems like I haven't been shooting many pics of Kaitlyn lately. I feel so guilty because I've been so busy shooting other people instead!!
Her latest "trick" is to wave at everybody and everything but her hand is kinda reversed so it looks more like a "come here" rather than a "hello". I've been so tickled by this cute little wave that I haven't gotten around to picking up my camera to shoot this. I'm still enjoying every waving moment. I'll get around to shooting this wave eventually. She waves at herself in the mirror, at the birds in the sky, even at the portrait of mummy and daddy hanging on the wall!!
Anyway, here are the highlights from three recent weddings:
Sam & Ping celebrated Summer's 2nd birthday on saturday. I had the privilege of shooting her 1st birthday last year and had a great time shooting her 2nd.
It was a fantastic day for me because I had a really nice morning swimming with Kaitlyn. Then we went to Summer's party, and Kaitlyn had so many aunties doting on her. After that, we went to Aunty Carol's house to celebrate Nadya's 1st month. It's been awhile since we had the chance to spend so much time together.