08 September 2008

Holy Cow!!!

Typically, frozen milk can be kept for 3 months in a freezer, up to 6 months in deep freeze. This doesn't usually pose a problem if the quantity of milk consumed exceeds the quantity of milk being frozen and stored.

Sometimes, one has the tough job of throwing out old milk that has gone way past the expiry date.

This is what approx 100 to 120 litres of milk looks like!

But don't worry, Kaitlyn still has two freezers full of milk that hasn't expired... yet.

Look Ma! I Can Stand!

8 Months Old

Can you believe it's been 8 months already??

Kaitlyn turned 8 months old yesterday and what a weekend it was for us! She's cutting her 3rd tooth and it's been giving her a really really hard time. We hardly got a smile out of her all weekend.