07 May 2008

4 Months Old

Kaitlyn turned 4 months old today and we had to mark the day with vaccinations - two injections and one oral medication.

I must say, I was extreeeemly proud of her for taking the jabs so well.

Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks:

Sound asleep on Mummy & Daddy's bed

Loving the musical toy from Uncle Jon and Aunty Yin Fern

Does Grandpa realise that I can't sit up on my own yet?

That's more like it!

Grandma, why do I have pink legs?

Tasty Tasty Toys!!!


  1. SHE'S A TROOPER THIS ONE!!!! Auntie Kimz so proud of her too! Send her all my love :)

  2. mikee!! damn cutee!! :D
