02 July 2008

First Bump On The Head

Kaitlyn got her first bump on the head this week. Now that she's learnt to roll over, it's dangerous to take our eyes off her even for a few seconds.

That's all it took for her to roll right off our bed!

I know... I know... it's just a bump and it's just the first of many to come... but it didn't make me any less worried, and it didn't prevent us from surrounding her with cushions for the rest of the day.


  1. you have a cute baby..

  2. Anonymous12 July, 2008

    my 2nd kid fell off a bridge at the playground ! i think with the 1st kid, it's like if he falls of the bed, youre filled with guilt. but with the 2nd kid, it's like pick him up, OK let's keep playing! ??!!
